✝️Fellowship ✝️Faith✝️Worship✝️Love✝️ Floral City Methodist Church
✝️Fellowship ✝️Faith✝️Worship✝️Love✝️ Floral City Methodist Church
This Weeks Activities:
Sunday, March 30th 9:15am—Sunday Worship—Main Sanctuary
4thSunday in Lent
Residing Hope Sunday
Tuesday, April 1st7:30am-9:00am—Free Breakfast—HH
10:00am—2:00pm—Pastor Cindy in Office
4:00pm—5:30pm—Girl Scouts Meeting—HH
6:00pm—7:00pm—Cub Scouts Meeting—HH
Wednesday, April 2nd 2:00pm—Bible Study—BH
4:00pm—5:00pm—Community Hour of Prayer—1884 Church
Thursday, April 3rd7:00pm—AA Meeting—BH
Next Weeks Activities:
Sunday, April 6th9:15am—Sunday Worship—Main Sanctuary
5thSunday in Lent
Communion Sunday
Tuesday, April 8th7:30am-9:00am—Free Breakfast—HH
10:00am—2:00pm—Pastor Cindy in Office
4:00pm—5:30pm—Girl Scouts Meeting—HH
6:00pm—7:00pm—Cub Scouts Meeting—HH
Wednesday, April 9th 2:00pm—Bible Study—BH
4:00pm—5:00pm—Community Hour of Prayer—1884 Church
Thursday, April 10th7:00pm—AA Meeting—BH
Friday, April 11th9:30am—Trustee’s Meeting—HH
11:00am—Administrative Council Meeting—HH
Saturday, April 12th9:00am—2:00pm—Craft Show—HH
Upcoming Events:
Sunday, May 4thGlobal Methodist Membership Vows—MS w/potluck dinner—HH
Friday, June 13th2025 Florida Annual Conference—Living Hope Church of Clermont
Saturday, June 14th2025 Florida Annual Conference—Living Hope Church of Clermont
BH = Burkett Hall; CR = Conference Room; MS = Main Sanctuary; MSC = Main Sanctuary Classrooms; HH = Hilton Hall
The church Administration Council have identified the following projects that need our help.
Replacement Parsonage Windows $9,800
Paint Parsonage $4,000
Replace Parsonage French Doors $1,500
Surveilance Cameras /Key Cards $1,400
Sealing Asphalt Parking Lot $4,000
Walkway to Hilton Hall $2,500
Hilton Hall Ceiling Repair $1,500
Trustee’s Tool Shed $750
Leaf Blower $400
Fill out a pledge card in the church vestibule or push the Pledge button to call the church.
Every little bit helps
Fill out a pledge card in the church vestibule or push the Pledge button to call the church.
Every little bit helps
Fill out a pledge card in the church vestibule or push the Pledge button to call the church.
Every little bit helps
Fill out a pledge card in the church vestibule or push the Pledge button to call the church.
Every little bit helps
Fill out a pledge card in the church vestibule or push the Pledge button to call the church.
Every little bit helps
Fill out a pledge card in the church vestibule or push the Pledge button to call the church.
Every little bit helps
Fill out a pledge card in the church vestibule or push the Pledge button to call the church.
Every little bit helps
Fill out a pledge card in the church vestibule or push the Pledge button to call the church.
Every little bit helps
Fill out a pledge card in the church vestibule or push the Pledge button to call the church.
Every little bit helps
Please plan on sticking around for a time of Danish, Cookies, Coffee, and great Fellowship following the 9:15 Sunday worship service. 😊